Saturday, July 28, 2012
Variable speed compressors regain energy
During production, the winery puts high value on energy efficiency.
Direct-driven, variable speed rotary screw compressors with integrated heat recovery and make sustainable economic operation possible.
Between Trier and Koblenz is situated in the valley of the Moselle is one of the most beautiful wine regions - the middle of it, the tranquil town of Traben-Trarbach. North of town, the Moselle River Mont Royal. There, through the vineyards, the winery is FW Langguth Erben. With his wide experience in the wine is Langguth Erben of the great wine cellars in Europe. On average, we fill approximately 40 million liters a year from wine, "says Heinz Blümling, winery manager at FW Langguth Erben. In the production puts the company in Rhineland-Palatinate much importance to an efficient process technology. "Right now, with rising energy costs, plays a major role sustainable production for us," says Blümling. The key to low cost energy is a good air-conditioning plan - because the authorities were quick to agree to the winery. Compressed air is used in the winery, especially when working air, for example, to control valves, and partly also in the filling.
High costs of old systems
"For us, the compressed air supply were previously two oil-lubricated screw compressors with load-neutral regulation available," says Blümling. These were now 15 and 35 years in operation. "Especially had the slow post-retirement has come earlier and more often we wait compressor," he says. "And it paid off soon no more." Moreover: To keep the air free of oil, had each compressor has its own processing chain from the cyclone, filter, dryer, filter and activated carbon filters. These were fully charged when needed. "That took a lot of energy. Because the compressors were always at full power and at high pressure losses in the lines, "says director of the winery. "The experts we spoke to Almig on outdated technology," recalls Blümling. "Because we wanted to reduce our energy costs significantly, the specialists created an air analysis."
Avoid idling
Almig conducted extensive measurements in both the Stark than in the off-peak period. "We analyzed the different operation periods, and found that when consumption takes place," Markus Meier slot, Rhine-Main Regional Manager at Almig Saar says. It quickly became clear: The avoidance of idle time, the permanent load changes and the resulting higher density, can significantly reduce power consumption. "For at 500000-600000 load cycles per year, this adds considerable expenditure of energy," says the Almig Regional Manager. "We have calculated a tremendous amount that devour the old compressors a year." The compressed air experts guaranteed a substantial cost savings.
Several solutions were under discussion. But quickly emerged variable speed, direct drive compressors. "They run energetically most favorable. Compared with compressors, which are regulated by the load, no load, save this alone roughly 30 percent of energy, "says Meier plug. After detailed discussion it was decided for two series of screw compressors VARIABLE 55th "These oil-injected screw compressors are factory equipped with heat exchangers and water control valves for heating water to 70 degrees Celsius," says the engineer ALMIG. The new plants can be regulated in the range between 2.2 and ten cubic meters per minute. The power supply is up 20 cubic meters per minute, which brings 15 years old piston compressor unit, which is still in use, in addition to four cubic meters per minute with one. The operating pressure is adjustable between five and 13 bar. "The air demand can be at the winery at peak times 16 cubic meters," says Meier plug. "Our solution allows the handle safely."