Joint control of the compressors
As a control, the control is Almig 3 was used. This controls the speed compressors addressed in the composite. You can use an older module, protective or foreign-controlled compressors that are speed-controlled, for example, be coupled to the controller. "These two new facilities and the old compressor will be synchronized. The energy advantages of speed control so we can take full advantage, because they generate so much pressure is needed and in fact, "says Meier plug. This pressure is kept constant. Increasing the consumption of the maximum speed, the second one is connected. Here, a speed reserve is maintained so that no pressure fluctuations caused by switching on and off the compressor. In the main load phase, ie in the main production time to run both systems in sync with the same speed. In the off-peak period, when less is produced, or even on the weekends only run a compressor. This automatically adjusts to the consumption profile. The VARIABLE works even at low air consumption. Since the mid-range machines are located, both the power consumption, as well as the noise level low. Moreover, the components are less stressed, which affects the life of the compressors.
Oil-free and dry compressed air
"The production is important to us is an oil-free and dry compressed air," says Blümling. But enough of the former quality, because the product during the filling does not directly with the compressed air comes in contact. Therefore, it was also rejected as a conversion to activated carbon absorber or oil-free generation. "The systems come standard with a submicro and two activated carbon filters. The second activated carbon filter is used here only for safety, "said Meier plug. In this series also a refrigerant dryer is integrated in an independent housing. The characteristics of this refrigerant dryer designed and adapted to each facility. "One advantage is that the dryer is thermally isolated to the hot zone of the compressor," says Meier plug. "This is no so-called refrigerator produced in the hot zone." First, the air comes into a collection tube with large diameter and large surface area. Here is another cool place, and excretion of free condensate. Then the air with pre-filter, dryer, fine and activated carbon filter is processed.
For further energy savings achieved by the integrated heat recovery. Because so about 70 percent of the invested energy power flow in the heating system. "The hot water is used throughout the year as process and heat. In addition, the residual heat in the winter months in a warehouse run by packaging material, "says Blümling. The heat recovery system supplies the entire heating system. "We run a so-called return flow. That is, in a boiler system, we hot service water heating or hot water available, which is used in the operation, "adds plug-Meier.